On Mobills, when you stop using your card for any specific reason, you have the option to archive the card so you don't have to delete it and lose all the data registered on it. Come with me and I'll teach you in this article!
Show instructions for:
How to archive a Credit Card?
1. On the main screen, touch in More (...) > MANAGE > Credit Cards.
2. When accessing your cards, click on the three dots next to the card you want to archive.
3. Now, select 'Archive'.
1. On the main screen, touch in More (...) > MANAGE > Credit Cards.
2. When accessing your cards, click on the three dots next to the card you want to archive.
3. Now, select 'Archive'.
1. On the main screen, select 'Credit Cards'.
2. When accessing your cards, click on the three dots next to the card you want to archive.
3. Now select "Archive credit card".