Have you already lent your credit card to someone to make a purchase and want to register it in your financial control without it impacting your analysis? In this article we will give you the steps on how to perform this action!:
Down here we leave the steps for the three platforms. Just tap on one of the three icons.
How to skip a credit card transaction?

On the card expense creation form, tap More details. Then, enable the option to skip transactions. For automatic card purchases, this option will appear at the top, also on the expense edit form.

On the card expense creation form, tap More details. Then, enable the option to skip transactions. For automatic card purchases, this option will appear at the top, also on the expense edit form.
When you do this and save the transaction, it will appear on your invoice, add to its value, but it will not impact your graphs, plans, and any other type of report;
When paying the invoice, the amount of the expense will also be taken into account and your balance will be impacted. When you receive the amount from the person who used your credit card for the purchase, record that amount as income, also skipping the transaction.