One of the biggest advantages of having a financial manager like Mobills is the fact that you can easily differentiate between your regular expenses, debit or cash, from credit card expenses. With Mobills, this management is even more complete and practical because we provide an area just for your credit card expenses, making your financial control much easier. Therefore, we invite you to read this article and start registering your credit card expenses. Come with us!
But before moving on, there are some very important fields that you should be aware of:
- Description: This is what you will call this expense. Choose a name that will help you remember what this expense is. For example: Hair Cut, Dinner with family, gas, etc.
- Date: when this purchase was made.
- Amount: How much is the total amount of this expense?
- Category: This is the field that will help you to filter your expenses and identify which area you spent the most in a certain period. For example: Transport, Leisure, Home etc.
- Card: You must choose which card you are using when purchasing.
- Invoice: Choose which invoice the expense should go to. When changing the date, other invoice options will be displayed.
The fields above are required to create an expense. Below are the optional fields.
- Tags: tags can be used to group your releases. You can add more than one tag per expense, thus facilitating a future search.
- Observations: is there anything else you want to remember about this expense? Write more information about it in this field!
Creating my credit card expense

See how it's simple to make a credit card expense on Mobills? If you need any help, feel free to contact us!