On Mobills you can group all credit card charges in your account. In this article we will show you how you can group expenses on the card. Keep reading! :)
You may have noticed that your card charges appear both on your Card Invoice list and on your Transactions Screen. This happens so that you can have a view of all your purchases together!
Sometimes, because you have a large list of card expenses or for any other reason, you want to combine these expenses into one record. You can do this through Mobills' grouping function! We will show you how you can do this:
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How to group Card Expenses?
On the main screen, click in Transactions. Then select the three dots in the top corner of the screen:
Now choose 'Display options' and select 'Group card expenses' to group your card expenses:
On the main screen, click in Transactions. Then select the three dots in the top corner of the screen:
Now choose 'Display options' and select 'Group card expenses' to group your card expenses:
On the Mobills Dashboard click in 'Transactions':
Now click in 'Group by credit card':