Imagine that you are going on a vacation trip to Brazil and want to keep track of travel expenses without worrying about putting tags on everything, after all, on vacation you want to relax, right?
No problem! That’s why we developed a feature called “Travel Mode”.
As long as this option is active, all your launches that are added will be associated with a tag pre-chosen by you!
Activating Travel Mode:
On the iOS platform:
On the Main screen, tap the “More options”(...) icon, on the bottom right of your page;
On the "Manage" tab, activate "Travel Mode";
Select a tag to be used;
Tap "Save", and you're done!;
On the Android platform:
On the Main screen, tap the “More options”(...) icon, on the bottom right of your page;
On the "Manage" tab, activate "Travel Mode";
Select a tag to be used;
Tap "Save", and you're done!;
On the Web platform;
Done! Now you can easily set your expenses for when you need some rest! If you have any questions, feel free to talk to us!