Synchronization is certainly the most important feature of our platform, and if you are somehow unable to synchronize your data, there are some procedures that can be followed to resolve this difficulty, come with me and I will help you.
It is unknown to us why an account suddenly stops synchronizing its data since this is a feature that is operating 24 hours a day and even if it is without internet, the moment it is turned on, the synchronization is done automatically. Therefore, we believe that it is likely that some unusual behavior between your device and the Web has stopped synchronization at a certain point, preventing correct communication between platforms. Like an oscillation of the internet when synchronizing, for example.
The procedures below will help you to normalize the functioning of the synchronization! Look:
Identify the transactions that have not synchronized yet, by accessing the transactions screen and checking which transactions are with the yellow icon at the top;
Access through a computer;
Record these transactions manually on the Web and, in the end, make sure to keep them updateded. The Web is our main server, so it is very important to record the missing transactions so that you don't miss them;
After your data on the web is the way you want to see it on mobile, reinstall your app (Only after making sure the data on the web is correct) and log in again;
Make sure your data is the same across platforms;
If the problem remains in your next records, please contact our support team to review your situation and, if applicable, go over to our development team.