At some point, it is possible that your account may have failed to communicate with our main server, that is, with our cloud, which is the Web version of Mobills.
This communication failure between the app and the Web may and should have been responsible for the fact that your data has not been properly synchronized in the cloud and, consequently, has been lost when you log out or reinstall the app.
A tip to prevent this from happening again is to constantly check your account on the Web version, at least once a week or fortnight. If your data is correct when you check, there is nothing to worry about.
You can understand a little more about this by accessing the article I accessed my account at Mobills and do not have my data. What to do?
If your situation does not fit the issues raised in the article above, it is common for you to look for a backup to restore your data. In this case, it is only possible to have a backup if the data is still saved on some device of your own, such as an old cell phone or even your account on the web.
If your data is on an old cell phone, still saved, quickly contact our support team by clicking here and do not log out or reinstall the application.
If your data is still saved in your web account, you can reinstall the app normally, this will update the data of the cloud, which is the Web platform.
If it is not proper for this type of situation, there is really no way to have a backup to recover the lost data and it is very important to understand if you are accessing the correct account and not some other account accidentally created. If this is not the case, it is important to follow the controls, recording your data as of today normally.