Balance projection is one of the most important tools in any financial control at Mobills. In any management, having accurate knowledge of your balance in a given period can be the key to have a better financial management, and not having this knowledge can be a reason for lack of control. Therefore, I will teach you how to project your balance. Want to learn? Keep reading!
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How to create a balance projection?
On the main screen, tap the current balance to reach the Accounts screen. Choose the account you want to see the balance projected.
Then click on the icon and see your projected balance.
On the main screen, tap the button (More ). Then tap on MANAGE > Accounts. Choose the account you want to see the balance projected.
Then click on the icon and see your projected balance.
On the dashboard, click on 'Accounts' . Then select 'Balance Projection'.
Then, enter the period you want to see your projected balance. Generate the projection and that's it!
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