On Mobills you can easily manage your accounts. When registering your accounts, you can follow details of your wallet. With an account, you have control of expenses, income, transfers made and more. Would you like to make any changes to the account you created? Do you want to change your account type or even your account color? Keep reading, we will teach you everything! :)
Display instructions for:
How to edit an Account?
On the home screen, click on 'More' (...) > MANAGE > 'Accounts':
Now choose an Account and click on icon to edit your Account. Fill in the necessary fields and save:
On the home screen, click on 'More' (...) > MANAGE > 'Accounts':
Now choose an Account and click on icon to edit your Account. Fill in the necessary fields and save:
On the home screen, click on 'Accounts' to create your account.
Now choose an account and click on the brush icon. Finally, fill in the required fields and save:
Any questions contact us on our support channel! :)