The final monthly balance it is an important balance for you to have a projection of how your finances will be at the end of the day or month. It's important to understand how to use this information because will help you establish consumption limits or know how much will be left at the end of the month.
When you analyzed your final monthly balance and you verified that there is a value that does not match with the reality of your accounts, what to do now? Easy, in this article we will help with simple steps how to checking all the releases that influence this wrong result!
The calculation of the final monthly balance is influenced by all transactions registered from the beginning to the last in your accounts. If this calculation is wrong, some transaction is out of place or in the wrong status (pending or effective in the future). Find ou how this balance is calculated in the article: How the balances are calculated on Mobills?
To check all your pending releases in the past or in the future, we've prepared these steps for you:
This is the most practical way to identify any movement that is pending in the past or marked as paid or received in the future. Our platform will assume that you will pay for this type of item at any time and will be released on your balance.
Performing these steps, you can easily adjust the amounts that are causing the problem in your account's expected balance. Now, after leaving your final monthly balance correct again, get back in control of your finances by analyzing and setting goals at Mobills! 😁
If you still have problems after following the steps above, contact us by clicking here.