Have you registered a very important transaction and can not forget to make it effective when the day comes? You can let us remember you! 😉
At Mobills, you can register a transaction with a reminder, that way, we will notify you on the exact day and time.
But how to register a transaction with a reminder? Come with me and we'll teach you everything!
Setting a reminder for a release
To do this on iOS
Tap the [
] icon, and on expense [
] or income[
Fill in your transaction and choose "More details";
Then, tap on "Remind Me" [
], and choose a date. Tap "ok", and finish registering your transaction, and you're done!
To do this on Android:
Tap the [
] icon, and on expense [
] or income[
Fill in your transaction and choose "More details";
Then, tap on "Remind Me" [
], and choose a date and time. Tap "ok", and finish registering your transaction, and you're done! We'll send a notification on your phone to remind you of this!
To do this on the web: