Have you already made a purchase or received the money in your bank account that should not be registered in your financial control so as not to impact your analysis? In this article, we will give you the details of how to make this registration so that your personal financial control will not be impacted by third-party transactions!
How to skip a transaction?
On the form for creating your expense or income, tap More details. Then, enable the option to Ignore expense/income;
When you do this and save the transaction, it will appear on your transactions screen and still add to your current balance, but not in your reports, budgets, etc.
On the form for creating your expense or income, tap More details. Then, enable the option to Ignore expense/income;
When you do this and save the transaction, it will appear on your transactions screen and still add to your current balance, but not in your reports, budgets, etc.
On the form for creating your expense or income, tap More details. Then, enable the option to Ignore expense/income;
When you do this and save the transaction, it will appear on your transactions screen and still add to your current balance, but not in your reports, budgets, etc.